
This site is dedicated to the question “How do we lead teams toward Pure Performance in software development?”

What do I mean by “Pure Performance”?

Pure performance isn’t peak performance. It is not “the best we can do”. It is being in a state of flow, focused on doing what matters.

Why don’t we achieve that? Because most of us spend 50% of our minds at work attempting to look good.

Modern knowledge work leaves us wondering if we actually contributed. If you’re a carpenter, you can’t argue with the house about whether or not it stands up. It does or it doesn’t. The roof leaks or it doesn’t.

But so many of us don’t know if we actually did anything useful, so we spend our efforts looking like we’re expending our efforts.

I’m passionate about finding ways to measure what matters so we know that we’re getting results, and we can then forget about the outcomes and focus on doing the work, every day, and getting into a flow.

I explore topics like Lean and Theory of Constraints, as well as Product Thinking, as well as psychology, perception, leadership, and philosophical questions about being human and what’s possible for us.

If you’re interested in talking about increasing your team’s or organization’s performance, reach out!

About Me

I’ve been developing software since 2009.

As I moved throughout my career, I discovered that my superpower is inquiry and curiosity.

I am able to dig into problems a level deeper than most of my peers to gain insights into systems, teams, and processes that allow for breakthroughs in results.

And because I can’t stop wondering why things are why they are, I am constantly looking for a way to make things work better to get a better grip on what they are.

What makes teams amazing? What makes work fun? How do we get more done and also love what we do? What about us can’t change, and what do we have more control over? What role does thinking have in the world we inhabit?

I’ve worked in small and large organizations, startups, and companies with established products. I’ve worked in e-commerce, AdTech, 3d photogrammetry, accounting software, network device OSes, and most recently on the blockchain.

Through it all, I’ve been exploring what makes people and teams tick, about how to create and improve systems, and how to access transformative growth.

I live in California with my amazing wife and 4 incredible kids.